Hello Eturians!
We already have the ideas and documents ready on this matter but, it isn't too bad to ask around what's on the mind of our community when they hear the word Dungeon.
For those who has something in their mind, feel free to comment below.
We make impossible things possible, so be creative and don't limit yourself.
Also, dont forget about our (Entity and Block) Phasing Plugin!
PS. Dungeons wont be in Alpha (if you're not aware)
Dyescape consists of 2 types of Dungeons:- Normal Dungeons - Dungeons you might see or encounter while exploring like temples, caves, etc. This dungeon may or may not involve phasing..
- Boss Dungeons - Dungeons that have complex mechanics and high level mobs that have special abilities. This dungeon are mostly phased and can only be accessed by portals or specific gateway
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