Greetings to you!
If you're looking for the alpha applications (takes 2 min) click here!
Progression and Streams
As a few people have noticed by now... We are progressing! But, but... You already made a progression post as well previously. yes, indeed, I did! However, this time it's different. You can actively see the progression through our live streams! Do be sure to follow my personal twitch account (this is where I stream implementation of Dyescape) here and follow the official Dyescape twitch here. Hope to see you soon!
If you're looking for the alpha applications (takes 2 min) click here!
Progression and Streams
As a few people have noticed by now... We are progressing! But, but... You already made a progression post as well previously. yes, indeed, I did! However, this time it's different. You can actively see the progression through our live streams! Do be sure to follow my personal twitch account (this is where I stream implementation of Dyescape) here and follow the official Dyescape twitch here. Hope to see you soon!

The weekend was incredibly productive and this an item* was born.
All of the previous streams can be revisited since they are saved by twitch. There is more than 21 hours of material to listen to. But that's not all the progression is directly reflected in DevLogs in the discord being posted almost if not every day!

We feature a Main Quest Line (MQL), that is you have a main story to play out. The MQL is a 22 chapter long quest line subdivided into multiple smaller quests and will tell you the story of Phala and it's surroundings. This means that we are a story-driven MMORPG. However, fear not, we will have a bunch of sidequests and mini-arcs (smaller stories, but several quests long) that will provide you with enough spice to take your mind off the MQL for some time if ever needed
If all of this does not persuade you to sign up for alpha and join our Discord then this final thing might...
We feature polls now and then in our Discord where you can directly vote to influence the outcome of any suggestion or feature!

Hopefully, that wíll convince you!
Do not forget to follow our twitch channel(s) at:
Implementation Streams:
Official Dyescape Twitch:
Best wishes and we hope to see you soon!