Duplicate Holy Burst requirements are wrong


In-game name: TheMinikanyas

Short description: The Holy Burst requirements are wrong, making it not possible to unlock the skill

Long description: The Holy Burst requirements seems to be wrong, the interface unlock requirements appear as checked, but the server won't allow you to unlock the skill, instead, it tells you that "You have not unlocked the necessary previous skills in the tree yet."

Date and time: 09/08/2021 19:55 UTC+2

Screenshots or videos (if any):

Hey out of curiosity due to the image not showing the skill you learned prior to is it the one directly connected with the line?
i know the text on the skill displays Fortify or testimony but that could of been an oversight and meant to be a specific spell connection... (sorry don't have access yet since I'm not a duke and am unsure what you tried or tested as of yet for that)


I know the text on the skill displays Fortify or testimony but that could of been an oversight and meant to be a specific spell connection...

Skill with picture of a hand is Testimony. Only one skill is required to progress skill tree. Lines do not represent AND logic (unless specified), just shows connection between next and previous skills to know in which order you must unlock them. As of now, this condition don't work, bug should be patched in 0.1.1.