
Hi, my name is Martin, I am 16 and I come from Poland. Minecraft is the first game of my life. I owe her that my passions - motion design, 3D modeling, a big part of my old friends, and a lot more! Since 2012 I played a lot of public and private servers - roleplay, city simulation... This game is always alive! When I saw Your project I thought "That's server, on which I never played"... I admire your work and it's great to be able to meet him already in this phase!


Wiki Team
Wiki Team
Welcome to Dyescape Martin! I see you've already joined the discord, but make sure to apply to become an alpha tester to join in as soon as possible. Most of the chatting and progress is shown on the discord so lurking there is better. If you want to learn more about the mechanics and stuff, head on over to the wiki on this website and look through it!