My first suggestion! 
So if any of your are as big of a fan of Star Wars and it's franchise as I am, you've probably played a few Star Wars games. I'm talking about Star Wars Battlefront (2015) here. If you have played this, you've probably come across Jabba The Hutt's bounty missions. And so, my suggestion is this, contracts!
So how dis work?
Contracts would work in the sense, you would have a shady person in the alleys of towns, or give them a run-down household to lurk about in. Players would then be able to go to these said locations and "talk" to them. Once they've had a little conversation, a GUI would open up showing the "contracts" of the week (or month, or whatever time period is seen fit) and the contracts would be some form of mission. For example, kill 10 goblins or collect 50 daisies etc etc. Once the player had completed said objective, they would return to the NPC (I'll name him "Contract Master" from now on, or CM) and claim the reward. Rewards could be money, items, among other things.
But what if I can't do it in time?
There could be some form of "claim" system, where you would take the contract/bounty, and stay there until you finish the job. Personally, I feel it would be more of a challenge if you had to do it within the time period given. (For example, if a player claimed a contract when it had 2 days left until expiry, they would only have the 2 days to complete it. But if a player had claimed the same contract when it had just refreshed, so they would have 1 week until it expired, they would then have the full week to do it.)
Pfft, if you're so smart, why not just make it yourself? (Examples)
Here are some examples of a few contracts:
Fraudulent Purchase
Description: A market seller messed with the wrong person and sold him some bad apples. Kill him, and claim yourself 5 silver coins.
My Precious!
Description: Some weird dude came in here asking for some limited edition coins. They should be in the hands of a young man a few houses away from here. The client is paying well for no questions asked, so get them, at all costs.
Murky Moralities
Description: A family nearby owe some big scary dude some money, he doesn't want his hands dirty. You should know what to do by now. No questions asked.
Nobody likes Bullies
Description: A nearby traveler claiming to be a knight is forcing people to "pay" for their "protection". Sounds like your basic extortion racket to me. He's forcing the local guards to turn a blind eye too. Deal with it, before he disrupts business. The sword he holds is powerful, it's yours in lieu of payment.
Those are some of the examples I thought of on the spot! If you want to hear more about it, reply to this thread, send me a message on forums or DM me on discord. I'll reply to one of them! (Eventually)
So if any of your are as big of a fan of Star Wars and it's franchise as I am, you've probably played a few Star Wars games. I'm talking about Star Wars Battlefront (2015) here. If you have played this, you've probably come across Jabba The Hutt's bounty missions. And so, my suggestion is this, contracts!
So how dis work?
Contracts would work in the sense, you would have a shady person in the alleys of towns, or give them a run-down household to lurk about in. Players would then be able to go to these said locations and "talk" to them. Once they've had a little conversation, a GUI would open up showing the "contracts" of the week (or month, or whatever time period is seen fit) and the contracts would be some form of mission. For example, kill 10 goblins or collect 50 daisies etc etc. Once the player had completed said objective, they would return to the NPC (I'll name him "Contract Master" from now on, or CM) and claim the reward. Rewards could be money, items, among other things.
But what if I can't do it in time?
There could be some form of "claim" system, where you would take the contract/bounty, and stay there until you finish the job. Personally, I feel it would be more of a challenge if you had to do it within the time period given. (For example, if a player claimed a contract when it had 2 days left until expiry, they would only have the 2 days to complete it. But if a player had claimed the same contract when it had just refreshed, so they would have 1 week until it expired, they would then have the full week to do it.)
Pfft, if you're so smart, why not just make it yourself? (Examples)
Here are some examples of a few contracts:
Fraudulent Purchase
Description: A market seller messed with the wrong person and sold him some bad apples. Kill him, and claim yourself 5 silver coins.
My Precious!
Description: Some weird dude came in here asking for some limited edition coins. They should be in the hands of a young man a few houses away from here. The client is paying well for no questions asked, so get them, at all costs.
Murky Moralities
Description: A family nearby owe some big scary dude some money, he doesn't want his hands dirty. You should know what to do by now. No questions asked.
Nobody likes Bullies
Description: A nearby traveler claiming to be a knight is forcing people to "pay" for their "protection". Sounds like your basic extortion racket to me. He's forcing the local guards to turn a blind eye too. Deal with it, before he disrupts business. The sword he holds is powerful, it's yours in lieu of payment.
Those are some of the examples I thought of on the spot! If you want to hear more about it, reply to this thread, send me a message on forums or DM me on discord. I'll reply to one of them! (Eventually)