Rejected Can't apply a potion to the guard.

In-game name: ManMysterious

Short description: Unable to apply a potion to the guard as the quest asks to.

Long description: In the quest "Where Adventure Begins V", I was asked to give Nolan and a Guard a potion. It worked on Nolan, but when I right click a guard with it, it only starts the drinking animation for myself. The guard as of now is not at 0 HP like Nolan was, but rather clinging on to 1 HP. I tried bringing him down by luring Feral to him, but any attacks they tried making on the guard didn't do anything. Since the guard can't be downed, I don't think I can apply a potion to him and continue the quest.

Date and time: 8/12/2021 3:27 PST

Screenshots or videos (if any): N/A

Other useful information: N/A


Frontend & Content Manager
There are two guards there. One is a W.I.P. and the other one, next to Nolan should work fine. I cannot reproduce your issue and suspect you're trying to heal the wrong guard.