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  1. Euvrounin


    Cool. Would you mind sharings your portfolio? or atleast some pictures of you work?
  2. Euvrounin


    Welcome! Have fun staying!
  3. Euvrounin

    Accepted Weather Seasons

    Seasonal Events would be a thing. We dont like your Christmas to be sad ;)
  4. Euvrounin

    Accepted Weather Seasons

    Halloween, Christmas, etc... themed maps would be fun :] Lets just hope that it would be easy and smooth if we ever implement this considering Minecraft isn't that reliable and efficient to such changes. Things might break in-between updates.
  5. Euvrounin

    Suggestion Some kind of mumble?

    We can incorporate this in our party plugin if it can be done by the dev team.
  6. Euvrounin


    Welcome to Dyescape! I'll name my future child: pepsqueek24
  7. Euvrounin

    hello, world

    Hi Ivan! Welcome to Dyescape! Hope you have fun. Be sure to join our discord channel!
  8. Euvrounin

    Suggestion Shop-keepers, and the economics of NPC sales.

    If you'll ask me .. i'll just have the merchant behave in way that if it has a rare or highly bought items to sell, it'll run somewhere else and hide until one lucky explorer find him. you wont find him in his usual spot jk.
  9. Euvrounin

    Accepted Weather Seasons

    Environment plays a huge part of the game, and yes .. you all have such wonderful ideas but take not that environmental-related events should never be a nuisance to the players. We don't want players to change armors each time the season changes just so they can get all the buffs they want...
  10. Euvrounin

    Suggestion Out Of Combat Skills?

    I believe we already had a discussion about this few months ago / last year, we put it on hold since we wont be needing it in Alpha. Unlockables / Achievement items would a fine addition in the professions. Also, i believe some materials might have certain "quality" with them but then again ...
  11. Euvrounin

    Who Am I

    Welcome to Dyescape! Hope you have fun
  12. Euvrounin

    What class are you most excited for?

    Be prepared.. my priest is coming
  13. Euvrounin

    Suggestion AOE Healing Effect for Priest

    Most priests healing skills are AOE based not team-based, meaning whether you are in a party or not, you wont get the healing effect if you are not within the range of the skill. The 'unable to move during casting' thing would not suit the Priests Priests has a low defense, meaning for every...
  14. Euvrounin

    Team update

    Hi guys, nice to meet you all. Welcome to the team.
  15. Euvrounin

    Randomized Dungeon/Zone

    Dennis .. dont make it sound so easy *cri*
  16. Euvrounin

    Boss mechanics

    This is already a part of our Dungeons and Bosses mechanics.
  17. Euvrounin

    Rejected Standard for Guild names

    Okay ... So first of all, we cannot dictate or control the kind of guild name our players wants, and it will be both an issue of freedom of choice and restriction. Same thing happens to every mmorpg games you know of. Second, it wont be easy to create a guild. I dont think after going through...
  18. Euvrounin

    Accepted Weekly server-wide events

    Then keep this thread or make a new thread for this kind of posts then use #gaming for discussions. Group Messages in Discord is also a thing. Creating a new #event channel would just confuse Dyescape players and mostly the newcomers. They'll think that Dyescape is just a group of MC players who...
  19. Euvrounin

    USSR Recruitment.

  20. Euvrounin


    Welcome Jerry! Have fun staying Please join us in our discord channel: