Introducing... Me?

Hey Dyescape Community! I'm Jack!

I'm a 16-year-old British guy that spends most his days playing games, Not just Minecraft! When playing Minecraft I am commonly found building all sorts of maps, whether it just be for fun or for a friend, From just casual survival gameplay maps or mini-game maps like sky wars and hunger games. My usual build style consists of a rustic/fantasy/medieval style, It always depends on what I feel like doing or sometimes even what someone wishes me to do. If and when I am not building on Minecraft I recently(Well last June) have started learning how to code java bukkit/spigot plugins.

When I am not on Minecraft Java edition I usually play on my PlayStation 4, I enjoy playing games like Watch Dogs/Watch Dogs 2, Fallout 4 & The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, At least they're the games I usually play on.

I personally found the Dyescape server from the back-end manager's spigot signature then chose to read into things in-depth and grew a rather large fascination with what information on the server was given to us and a rather big curiosity related to the final result of this server, I'm curious, What brought you guys here? You don't have to reply, just curious!
- Jack​


Lead Developer & Technology Manager
Hey Dyescape Community! I'm Jack!

I'm a 16-year-old British guy that spends most his days playing games, Not just Minecraft! When playing Minecraft I am commonly found building all sorts of maps, whether it just be for fun or for a friend, From just casual survival gameplay maps or mini-game maps like sky wars and hunger games. My usual build style consists of a rustic/fantasy/medieval style, It always depends on what I feel like doing or sometimes even what someone wishes me to do. If and when I am not building on Minecraft I recently(Well last June) have started learning how to code java bukkit/spigot plugins.

When I am not on Minecraft Java edition I usually play on my PlayStation 4, I enjoy playing games like Watch Dogs/Watch Dogs 2, Fallout 4 & The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, At least they're the games I usually play on.

I personally found the Dyescape server from the back-end manager's spigot signature then chose to read into things in-depth and grew a rather large fascination with what information on the server was given to us and a rather big curiosity related to the final result of this server, I'm curious, What brought you guys here? You don't have to reply, just curious!

- Jack​

Welcome to the community Jack! Interesting to see that you seem to build a lot from time to time. Got anything to show us? :)

Also if you ever need help with coding plugins or developing in general, you can always ask me :p


Content team, Moderator
Content team
Welcome to Dyescape!

Google brought me here
I decided to come back playing minecraft and decided to google an mmorpg server, then poof... Here i am

I personally havent made my introduction yet but hey, welcome and nice meeting you!
Welcome to the community Jack! Interesting to see that you seem to build a lot from time to time. Got anything to show us? :)

Also if you ever need help with coding plugins or developing in general, you can always ask me :p
Thanks! I'll have to find some things out when I get the chance to go on Minecraft next, not had chance to go on it so far this week lol

Welcome to Dyescape!

Google brought me here
I decided to come back playing minecraft and decided to google an mmorpg server, then poof... Here i am

I personally havent made my introduction yet but hey, welcome and nice meeting you!
Thanks for the welcome! In fact, Welcome back to Minecraft? aha, It's cool to know you came here from simply just returning to Minecraft, Can't wait to see your personal introduction it'll be nice to hear more about you.

Welcome to Dyescape ^^

Spigot's forums got me here as well ;P
Nice to meet you though, I hope I'll see you around :3

Thanks, Nice to meet you too! Hope to see you about more as well