Hello Everyone!
I just want to get everyone's opinion or suggestions regarding the current class skills of the following classes:
- Slash
- Debilitating Blow
- Shattering Strike
- Heroic Charge
- Evasive Strike
- Sprint
- Triple Strike
- Courage
- Airslash
- Whirlwind Strike
- Chop
- Bash
- Brave
- Combat Regeneration
- Bull's Rush
- Aggressive Stomp
- Provoke
- Ground Slam
- Roar
- Seismic Wave
- Arcane Missiles
- Arcanic Blast
- Arcane Bolt
- Blink
- Arcane Burst
- Arcane Charge
- Mirage
- Null Distortion
- Impale
- Miasma
- Recover
- Smite
- Rejuvenate
- Aegis
- Fortify
- Testimony
- Immolate
- Heal
- Cure
- Holy
Kindly elaborate what do you feel when using the skills like if you feel that it doesn't do much damage, or the cool down is too long, or you wanted to see the more skill effects, or if you have any suggestions on how we could improve the current skills we have, feel free to comment below.
PS. There's no right or wrong in giving your opinion so you can be as straightforward as you can but be civil.
Thank you!
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